"Cascade Connected Care" is a healthcare platform that integrates smart IoT sensors and Bluetooth medical devices to support elderly and vulnerable people in their homes. It provides real-time behavioural insights to families, caregivers, professionals, and call centres to alert changes in routine. Its core business proposition is to provide cost-effective, personal, and enhanced quality of care for those who need it most by using the latest IoT technology to create a smarter, safer world.
UI UX Designer
08 weeks (February 2023 - March 2023)
The Problem
The challenge was to create a user-friendly mobile app that integrates with IoT devices, maintains health records, sends real-time alerts, and adheres to accessibility standards while delivering cost-effective and personal care solutions. We aimed to address the challenges caregivers often face with complex healthcare apps and websites.
Delivered a mobile app design that was intuitive, user-friendly, and complied with accessibility standards. The app offered seamless IoT integration, providing real-time data and alerts to users, contributing to better and personalized care.
Design process
3 Major improvements in my design
The final screens
Reflections and Learnings
- The significance of understanding the user's needs and concerns, especially when designing for healthcare applications.
- Reinforced the importance of incorporating accessibility in design, ensuring the app can be used by as many people as possible.
- Gained a deeper understanding of integrating real-time data from IoT devices and presenting them in a user-friendly way.